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African men, you must not help Europe take another nation's property. Europe is not the rightful owners of any territory outside their continent. Their acquisition of territory is obtaining control through war. Europe do not have a just claim to possess and use the land and water that extent or compass the bounds of other nations. In which they are using without being held accountable for disposing you of your land that they took by force. The descendants of each nation have the the right of ownership and is entitled to profit from its soil, ocean, seas, lakes, and rivers that surround them. Europe is consuming your resources and depriving you of your possessions they seized through invasion. You are the offspring and heirs of your nation by descent which gives you the right to possess the land of your ancestors. Europe hid your genealogy and are mixing with you to prevent you from reproducing your kind. They intend to blot you out of existence in efforts to maintain control over your land. You are my direct lineage and owners of Israel by virtue of birthright. I will restore you to your proper position and will give you mastery over your land. Europe prevented you from discovering who you are by turning you away from my commandments which cause you to forget your covenant with me. They taught you from their New Testament that you may devote yourselves to them and support their cause. This has kept you under their influence and allowed Europe to exercise dominion over you. In which Europe plan to prevent the passage of my laws by taking your lives. They intend to kill you out by slaughter rather than give up control. Judah is the commander of my nation. He will bring back the captives of Israel. I will rebuild Jerusalem and will save Judah from annihilation in Europe and America. You will have  victory in this war and dominion will be given unto you. At the time I visited your captivity, Europe refused to reveal unto you that I am your king to keep you from having the first hand knowledge of your Sovereignty. Instead they caused you to disown me and reject your connection unto me, unknowingly renouncing your rights to your land. They familiarized you with Christianity to change the way you think which caused you to forsake my laws. This has also caused you to dedicate yourselves to their religious teachings and to uphold their beliefs completely without question. You must stop supporting their systems and show faithfulness to me, your king. I am the constituted authority of your nation. Know that my commandments is the power of the truth which facilitate my divine will. Acknowledge my sovereign authority                            and have no doubt that I am your God.   

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